Saturday, March 14, 2009


Quite a few of the things that take up my time on the Internet are to do with radio.

I used to be a big fan of the radio, I loved buying and owning the latest model of radio, but in the last few years mainstream radio has become a load of old corporate crap.

My main radio sets are now my Wi-Fi Internet radio and Winamp on my computer!

What really got me into radio was ‘pirate’ broadcasting from ships, I remember as a kid listening to Radio Caroline in 1966 but I really got into offshore radio in the early 1970s when Radio Northsea International, Radio Seagull and a resurgent Radio Caroline came onto the air.

The governments did not like it, governments do not like anything that is out of their control, politicians do not like freedom and they certainly did not like free radio.

They do not like the Internet, it’s free and they can’t wait to get their filthy hands on it, they want to tie it up in rules and regulations.

Politicians hate the very idea of freedom.

Politicians love to talk about freedom, but have you really listened to what they are saying?

They promise us freedom, more freedom, but all the time they are taking freedom away from us, whittling away at what freedom we have left and telling us that they are working for our freedom.

It is absolutely the same thing with broadcasting, you get more channels on your television, we used to have four or five channels in the UK, there was always something to watch, you could watch so much quality programming that you had to get a video recorder so that you could watch programmes that you might otherwise have missed.

Then along comes satellite television and there are more and more channels as the years and months go by, more channels give you more choice, you get more channels of a lower and lower quality until the choice is whether to watch rubbish or crap.

Radio is the same, you can listen to any radio station in the country, the presenters sound the same and the music is the same. If you live in a border region you can try an experiment… get two radios, tune one to your ‘local’ commercial station and the other to the next regions ‘local’ station, you will hear the same song, slightly out of phase between the two radios, then you will hear different presenters reading from the same script… it’s a con, even the presenters are recordings, they go in once a week, record the links from ‘the script’ and the stations never deviate from ‘the format.’

Its all just one big con, there are no independent local radio stations anymore, every region has the same diminishing level of ‘service’ the is whittled away day by day and one day they think that you will just accept this crap and they can just play the same old music to you all day, every day with no presenters with a commercial break between every record.

Have you noticed that they are either playing your own record collection back to you, or the records that you couldn't be bothered to buy when they came out?

You have to ask yourself if that is what you want, if it is, fine. Just go along with it, let yourself be ‘dumbed down.’

(have you noticed that ‘dumbed down’ is a phrase that has been ‘dumbed down’ so that the people who have been ‘dumbed down’ can understand what being ‘dumbed down’ means without actually realising that they have been ‘dumbed down’ themselves)

So, I don’t listen to the radio anymore, at least I don’t listen to the corporate crap that passes for radio. I listen to people who broadcast on the Internet. It’s the same thing that the pirates did when they broadcast from International Waters.

They didn’t need all the government imposed garbage, they didn’t need big offices in the smart areas of London, they didn’t need to buy tons of expensive equipment, all they needed to do was make programmes that they believed in.

That’s what is happening on the Internet right now, there are one-man-and-a-dog operations (often the dog isn’t there) and they make radio programmes for the love of it, they haven’t forgotten that what comes out of your speakers is supposed to be entertainment, above all they understand that the act of making radio should be an art form in its own right.

I ask you to listen to your local commercial radio station; I bet you that it’s all commercials and no radio. A total dead loss!

Then go to your computer, find some real broadcasting on the Internet.

If you want to hear radio as an art form, go here…

There is one man who broadcasts regularly on Internet radio who is getting it right.

Richard Vobes

Big radio companies broadcast their stuff online because they know that they should be online, but not one of them really know why.

In fact most of the
m haven't got a clue.

Richard Vobes is a pioneer of Internet radio, he has gone beyond the 'podcast' and seems to either have defined the new way to 'do' radio and he has rediscovered that radio is about communicating with the outside world and not just talking to yourself.

Internet radio is the next big thing, but the big companies don't like it. Internet broadcasters, like Richard, have returned to the very basic idea that radio is about communicating with people.

Make no mistake, Richard Vobes is doing proper radio and he does radio with a passion that is lacking elsewhere.

Richard Vobes is what the 'Vobes Show' is all about.
The show is actually about Richard, his family and friends and the things they get up to, but despite Richard being at the centre of everything (and seeminly not afraid of bearing his soul to the world) it is never an ego trip.

Richard Vobes can interview ordinary people without them knowing that they are being interviewed, he will often say "you are a star" to the people who talk to him, but anyone who has heard 'The Vobes' on their computer, wi-fi radio or MP3 player will know the truth about The Vobes, and as one of his many fans throughout the world

I salute you because...

Richard Vobes YOU are a star!

Cheers Vobes.


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